What is your resilience skills score? Discover
Resilience skills training
Virtual 2 x 90 min Modules or ½ Day in-person Workshop with Bill Carson
- Certified Resilience Trainer and Coach

Mental fitness and resilience skills training is vital to build the mental and emotional strength and wellbeing of team members. We know the importance of physical fitness and health - the same applies to looking after our brains.

Mental fitness and resilience skills training is vital to build the mental and emotional strength and wellbeing of team members. We know the importance of physical fitness and health - the same applies to looking after our brains.

Mental health and resilience skills training is vital to build the mental and emotional strength and wellbeing of team members. We know the importance of physical fitness and health - the same applies to looking after our brains.

Mental Health and Resilience Skills


The pace of work and life today is placing greater demands on our mental health and the world shows no signs of slowing down.

With the tools and training on how to use our brains effectively, we can greatly reduce unnecessary stress in the workplace, and in our personal lives.

Live and work well in a fast-paced world

mental fitness skills training

Mental Health & Resilience Skills Workshop

Virtual interactive 2 x 90 min modules or ½ Day workshop to enrich people with the mindset skills and strategies to function effectively in business, relationships and life overall.

Attendees experience the enhancement of self-knowledge and self-leadership, in order to bring increasing personal value and purpose to their work, colleagues and stakeholders

What are the Key Outcomes of this Workshop?

You will learn…

1. How to identify stress triggers, and regulate your emotions to stay calm and not overreact in stressful work situations

2. How to develop strong meaning and purpose in your work

3. How to bounce forward from negative work and LIFE experiences

4. How to not get triggered by other people and work more collaboratively

5. How to improve your planning and reduce the impact of unplanned events

Your Tools


Before the workshop, you will receive a measure of your current mindset fitness and resilience across six domains

  • Purpose
  • Tenacity
  • Composure
  • Collaboration
  • Reasoning
  • Health

Following the workshop you will have access to an online interactive learning program to apply your newfound knowledge and continue to build your mindset fitness and resilience.


We will also introduce you to a powerful app that teaches you how to release and remove the blocks and resistances that are preventing you from performing at your best.

10 Behaviours for a Successful Life

Virtual interactive 3 x 90 min modules or One Day in-person Workshop plus personal coaching program.

Learn the 10 behaviours of successful people.

Increased performance = engagement + alignment + results

Behaviours of successful people

Learn how to professionally and personally be ‘on-purpose’ and doing the right kind of work for you. This can help to create balance and success in your life, and optimise your effectiveness and productivity.

successful people behaviours

Over 3,000 people have attended this program, leaving rave reviews.

96% of ratings were “Excellent” or “Very Good”



The Art of Deliberate Success

Published world wide by Wiley

About the Program


The incredibly engaging content is based on the best-selling book “The Art of Deliberate Success” by Dr David Keane.

Unlike other programs that define “success” in terms of management or leadership position, wealth, fame and glamour, The 10 Behaviours of Successful People Program is aimed at everyone within small or large companies.

The core belief is that everyone can be successful no matter their rank, title, or salary.

“Success is found at the intersection of passion, skills, and needs.”